Re: MD the metaphysics of freedom

Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 18:14:02 BST

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Dan Glover:
    Robert Pirsig: Yes, my statement that Dynamic Quality is always affirmative
    was not a wise statement, since it constitutes a limitation or partial
    definition of Dynamic Quality. Whenever one talks about Dynamic Quality
    someone else can take whatever is said and make a static pattern out of it
    and then dialectically oppose that pattern. The best answer to the question,
    "What is Dynamic Quality?" is the ancient Vedic one -- "Not this, not that."
      (LILA'S CHILD, page 527)

    So I would say that when you construct diagrams as the one above you are
    taking what is said about Dynamic Quality and making it into a static
    pattern which can then be opposed by someone else. It doesn't seem to be a
    wise move.

    Mark: Hello Dan, In the AHP93 tape, Pirsig tells is that ZMM is an inductive
    book, while Lila is a deductive book. We learn the value of Quality in ZMM
    through experience, "Kenntnis (recognition without intellectual interposition)"
    or Northrop's concepts by intuition, and then apply it in Lila by deducing a
    Metaphysics of Quality, "Wissenschaft (scholarly knowledge)" or Northrop's
    concepts by postulation.

    The thing about coherence is that it is pretty close to both concept by
    intuition and postulation. The colour blue is experienced as an unmediated concept
    by intuition in a similar way to the sweet spot of a tennis racquet - it is
    there in immediate undifferentiated experience. But the sweet spot may also be
    conceptually postulated by the term coherence.

    The term coherence is a postulated concept. But the sweet spot is a concept
    by intuition.
    DQ on the other hand is a referring term and is concept free.

    What do you think Dan?

    All the best,

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