Re: MD MOQ psycology (?)

Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 12:48:22 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD The individual in the MOQ"

    Hi Ilya,
    This post is as exciting as Mark H's contributions or Paul's patient
    The reason i feel this is because you appear to be searching for a Dynamic
    insight into new areas of thought. This is wonderful.
    I hope you use the MOQ as the basis for your postgraduate studies Ilya? The
    next question should be, what can the forum do to help?
    The answer must be: Anthony McWatt. Anthony may be contacted via his website
    I'm sure there are many here who will be more than willing to offer help

    I'm apologise that, for now, i offer little more than sincere best wishes in
    your search.
    All the best,


    I'm interested in psychology for a long time and going to become a
    postgraduate student. Now, that I have read Lila, an idea struck me
    that our western scientific psychology is based entirely on
    subject-object metaphysics. And what it studies is not more than
    certain static patterns of value.

    But a man is not ONLY static patterns - it is Dynamic also!
    And orthodox psychology just can't see it and take it into account
    because of it's SOM roots.

    What I think now, is it possible to build a new scientific psychology
    based on MOQ assumptions?
    Maybe THERE IS such a body of knowledge somewhere in the East? Does
    anybody know?
    What can I read about psychology (or it's counterparts) in the East?
    Could you advise?

    Best regards,

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