Re: MD Sophocles not Socrates

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sun Nov 03 2002 - 10:23:12 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Sophocles not Socrates"

    Hi David,

    On this and on the brujo question, I'd be interested in your views on my
    post to Davor, which I sent out on Friday, relating to religious mysticism
    and the MoQ levels. I agree that you need to 'get your shit together' before
    you can properly progress, although I don't see it as something absolute,
    rather as something 'more or less'. For example, I would say that Augustine
    clearly operates at the fourth level, and close to DQ, but he still had
    hangups about dealing with his biological inheritance.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "David Buchanan" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 1:23 AM
    Subject: RE: MD Sophocles not Socrates

    > Sam asked DMB .................................................Is it your
    > view that the integration of the levels is a matter of spiritual awareness
    > (however its defined - feel free to offer any definition you like), so
    > advancing up the evolutionary tree is a question of mystical development,
    > DQ, and therefore not something that can be understood in terms of the
    > static levels of the MoQ?
    > dmb says:
    > Hmmm. Good question. I tend to think of the whole she-bang as essentially
    > spiritual, but if I get your question, you're asking if this integration
    > the levels takes something beyond the levels, something spiritual or
    > mystical perhaps? Is that about right? I suppose, like all growth, there's
    > something Dynamic going on. But for the most part it seems to me that this
    > integration is a pre-requisite for spiritual and mystical development.
    > is one of the areas where Wilber is much more helpful than Pirsig.) Not
    > such things are the exclusive domain of intellectuals. Far from it. I
    > it only makes sense, in light of Maslow and others, who are incorporated
    > into Wilber's work, to believe that these higher states of consciousness
    > depends on a certain level of competence at all the lower levels.
    > to enter the kingdom of heaven, you "gotta get your shit together" first.
    > This is the static part. This part can be understood easily in MOQ terms;
    > Lila, Rigel and the Captain. Each of these characters ... you know.
    > Thanks,
    > DMB
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