MD The End of Days

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 01:35:00 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD The End of Days"

    Hi MOQers:

    I recently heard a radio interview that featured Gershon Gorenburg, a
    journalist and an editor with the Jerusalem Report, among other things. They
    talked about his book, THE END OF DAYS: Fundamentalism and the struggle for
    the Temple Mount. I hope to read it. This guy understands all three brands
    of fundamentalism; jewish, Islamic and Christian. He knows the apocalyptic
    mythology of each of them, the hills and buildings where the final events
    are supposed to occur, and how all these scenarios conflict with each other.
    He explains that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are the central place for
    all three kinds of fundamentalist apocalypse. Boy, ain't we got fun?

    I heard lots of chilling things during the interview. But one that stood out
    concerns our own Christian fundamentalists here at home, the ones who
    support US policies in the region so Jesus can descend from heaven. Tim
    LaHaye has written a whole series of apocalyptic books for the christian
    audience here in the U.S. He's sold something like 50 million copies and
    there are other writers like him. According to the author of THE END OF
    DAYS, most of them depict the fate of the Jews as either death or
    conversion. In their heaven even the Jews are Christians. This infantile
    wish to make all dissenters disappear is more than a little bit genocidal.
    I'd bet big bucks that the fundamentalists on every side share this ugly
    hope. No wonder the place is such a mess.

    This extreme case shows what kind of trouble social level values can get us
    into. Its a stark example of why we need intellectual values. That region is
    invloved in the West's 20th century conflict too, the one between third and
    fourth level values. Its a battle between Jerry Fallwell or the United
    Nations. ;-) Don't put yer money on the hick.

    With apologies to Jonathan,

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