RE: MD The End of Days

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 03:52:15 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD The End of Days"

    Howdy gang:

    Sam axed:
    This is something that worries me. But would you like to articulate how you
    see 'intellectual values' prevailing over fundamentalism? (ie what can we

    dmb says:
    Good question. The seperation of church and state springs to mind first.
    Equality before the law, freedom of belief & expression, and such principles
    are supposed to keep religious fanatics from doing much harm - expect maybe
    to their children. Basically, these kinds of principles are supposed to
    allow all the various kinds of belief systems to co-exist. Its sort of the
    opposite of a genocidal impulse.


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