From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 01:26:35 GMT
Erin and all philosophers:
The starter test didn't exactly catch on fire, but it wasn't a total wash
either. Maybe we should try again. How about if we just pass the baton until
we can come up with something better. Let's say the passage picker, which is
me in this case, also calls an end to the discussion and chooses someone
else to pick a new passage. Erin was the first to toss in her two cents, so
I'll pick her. (You go, girl!) And don't forget that on top of picking a
passage, you'll make the call when its time to end that round and you'll
pick somebody else to pick a new one. Round and round it goes. Hopefully.
The original format for those who may have missed it....
..... .. The format is simple. We focus on a passage from the book. The only
requirement is that we focus on a passage. As long as we address the
meaning of the words in some way, anything is game. That's all there is to
it. There is no specific question posed. Or rather, its like the question
will always be, "what does this mean?"
> No matter what the passage, the task is always the same; explore its
> meaning.
> In the old focus forum we had moderators to keep people ON the topic. I
> guess we'll just have to bust each other for being irrelevant.
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