RE: MD (Patrick is it.) Focus forum - round three

From: Erin N. (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 00:09:28 GMT

  • Next message: Patrick van den Berg: "Re: MD Individuality"

    >(translated from English to Dutch to English- sorry, I don't have an
    >english copy of Lila! Hope I don't offend the Pirsig Literalists! ;-)
    >page 428 (approximately!)
    >"Karma is the pain, the suffering that's a consequence through clinging
    >to the static patterns of the world. The only way to get out of this
    >suffering is a detachment from these static patterns, or in other words,
    >to 'kill' those patterns.

    Okay my turn to go down a side alley.
    I had been just thinking about this no attachment.
    There is a cartoon where the Dalai Lama gets an
    empty box for christmas and he saying something
    "nothing, just what I always wanted".
    I was trying to figure out why a goal of no attachment
    differs from a goal of 'not valuing'.
    That is to value something but not be attached.
    I can see how being overly attached something
    can prevent you from being open to DQ and
    maybe that the killing static patterns was about
    detaching yourself from them?

    >..[Suicide is no solution and immoral]...
    >..Another way is... 'ditching karma' on other people. You invent a
    >satanic sect, jews, or black people, or white people, or capitalists, or
    >communists- it doesn't matter- and the next thing you do is saying that
    >THEY are responsible for all your suffering..."
    >Good luck, Patrick.

    Have to quote Simpsons:
      Apu: I have come to make amends, sir.
           I have come to work off my debt. I am at your service.
    Homer: You're...selling _what_, now?
      Apu: I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment.
    Homer: You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the
      Apu: He's got me there.

    I was wondering if the difference approach to
    karma was about your conception of the universe.
    Karma dumps seems more directly related to causal relationships?
    I pointed this out before according to this
    Sanksrit scholar that the goal was actually
    no karma not good karma.
    Karma dumps are often argued as being for 'good' reasons.
    The line of not doing karmic dumps but doing good can
    be tricky?

    Not sure,


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