RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 00:55:56 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD Individuality"


    >Now I'm confused by why you have a problem with Quality being
    >absolute. If it's always everywhere (ubiquitous) like reality, it's absolute
    >is it not?

    Most of the problems that are arising out of the Rortyan "position" I'm
    forwarding, including the linguistic turn, are because they are being
    funneled into traditional categories (which is exactly what Scott accused
    me of doing to him).

    I've covered the absolute problem before, I believe, in fact, in direct
    correspondence with you Platt. I think they were in the "Unofficial Rorty
    Dictionary" thread. At the least, I believe I've gone over some of the
    arguments lately in the "Absolute Quality between ZMM and Lila" thread. I
    would specifically reference you to Scott and my series of posts.


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