RE: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 15:59:34 GMT

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD Contradiction?"

    Hi Glenn:

    > By the way, MDers, there seems to be many examples of subjective
    > biological patterns. Pirsig even mentions some, like the pain from
    > a hot stove and the high from orgasm. But according to Pirsig in LC,
    > the biological level is the province of the objective world. Apparently
    > this isn't completely right, either.

    The pain from a hot stove is a low quality direct experience, prior to any
    conceptual identification such as "pain." When we name the negative
    quality "pain" we are making a symbol of it after the felt fact. Then,
    using our minds (intellect) we can take that symbol and see if it applies
    to other experiences. Since we witness animals reacting in a manner
    that looks like they are experiencing pain, and since we know their
    nervous systems of the higher animals are physically similar to our own,
    it's perfectly logical in the MoQ structure to conceptually place the
    phenomenon we call "pain" in the biological level. (Atoms don't scream.
    but monkeys do.) As mentioned before many times, the social and
    intellectual levels are reserved for human beings. Direct experience,
    prior to any naming, thinking, divisions or categorizing is DQ, best left
    unnamed but what the heck, picking up bar ladies, etc., etc.

    > But let's see what we can deduce from Pirsig's statements:
    > 1) biological patterns are objects outside our minds
    > 2) the devil is a biological pattern
    > Conclusion: the devil is running around the earth, incarnate.
    > It's no wonder MOQ non-believers think the MOQ is spooky. It is.
    > Glenn
    The devil is a biological pattern? If anything, the "devil" is an intellectual
    pattern created at some point during the early social level to symbolize
    (and for some, explain) low quality experiences.

    What's really "spooky" is how in the objective, scientific explanation of
    things the universe magically appeared out of nothing and life
    miraculously emerged our of dirt. Not only is that spooky, it's positively
    occult. :-)


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