RE: MD acausal (for Glenn)

From: Glenn Bradford (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 19:31:47 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Symbolically or actually?"

    "Actually he introduces the topic as "pattern recognition".
    Do you deny that was what he was doing?"

    I do not deny that. And I'd have no complaint if I thought
    the author (and you) believed it was *just* pattern recognition,
    and that the facts collected about 23 held no more significance than
    dirty items on a laundry list. But the author titles the webpage
    'The "23" Synchronity'(sic), not "Pattern Recognition of 23", which
    implies to me that the facts about 23, taken together, are mystically
    acaused to be that way, and to quote Jung, "seemingly coincidental".
    He thinks it is "fun" and a "jolly phenomenon", but I can't decide if
    I should be more encouraged about the "fun" and "jolly" part than be
    discouraged about the "phenomenon" part.
    For me this 23 business is fun and folly, er, jolly, all the way.

    "This is what cracks me up.
    It is not known how this is happens.
    With that being true, can you be honest just admit you know
    jack about it?
    Without knowing how it happens you have firm belief
    in how it doesn't. Amazes me."

    Let me put it this way. If I know jack about it, then you know
    less than jack. And I assume by "it" you mean the photon
    behaviour. I am relying on the authority of the physicists,
    just as Lundstrom is. And physicists widely regard superluminal
    information exchange to be impossible. So when a photon changes,
    and its twin photon a million light years away simultaneously
    changes, no information is exchanged. So the claim that "at deeper
    levels, everything...participates in a sensitive, flowing web of
    information", is unsupported by modern physics. Sorry.

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