From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 23:29:16 GMT
Matt, Steve and y'all:
Matt said to Steve:
..............You think spiritual change for everyone must occur before
material change is to happen for everyone. I think material change for
everyone must occur before spiritual change is to happen for everyone.
Matt said to Steve:
You see, I keep switching the ground to the perspective of the poor because
that's where the problem is. Those may all be pertinent questions for the
rich and lazy, but they seem pretty stupid for the poor and destitute. You
don't see this problem because you think that there aren't many poor people.
DMB says:
I think the egg had to come first, then the chicken. Just kidding. I'd like
to clear up what seems to me a confusion here. I can't speak for Steve, but
I think the idea is that spiritual change among the comfortable middle and
upper classes would lead to more compassionate policies toward the poor and
disadvantaged classes. I don't think anyone is suggesting that those on the
margins give up their food stamps for prayer matts or that spiritual
development is can proceed easily in spite of the stresses and pressures of
poverty. I think the idea is that our material reality is a reflection of
our state of spiritual development. This idea is buried in Marxism, where it
is not economics that drives history, but the technical means of production.
For Marx the ages were marked by advances in technology, which were then
appropriated by a few individuals and turned into wealth. Behind this
dialectical materialism is the notion that history proceeds according to our
know-how. The idea that material reality reflects the state of our
consciousness is not very far away, even if the emphasis is shifted from
materialism to spirituality.
In short, its not that the poor need to develop spiritually, although that's
probably true in many cases too, its that if the rest of us were more
evolved there would be more justice and less proverty in the first place.
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