From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 17:39:13 GMT
Hi Platt,
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. I will ponder the 'hate the
haters' proposition, but concerning your last question:
> Do you see the influx of Muslims in the
> Netherlands to be a growing threat to your society's values?
People have the right of having their own religion or belief, including
Islam, Amish, Buddhism, and Marxism and Communism. Ideally, communism
isn't such a bad philosophy: see the beginning of 'Animal's Farm'. I
don't think the 'influx of Muslims' to the Netherlands is a problem per
se. The Islam is nowadays controversial because the terrorists
responsible for 11-S were/are muslim-fundamentalists. But the majority
of muslims aren't fundamentalists.
Well, I've mixed feelings about this, but a whole religious group
shouldn't be condemned becaus some people of this group put their
religion to evil and extreme uses.
In high-school, I had a muslim friend. One of the lessons of
cross-cultural psychology is the finding that individual variations in a
cultural group are much greater than variations between cultures. You
don't have a high opinion of communists and marxists. But have you ever
met one? Or have you heard some of their personal stories on discovery
channel maybe? When I hear their side of the story, the story is always
much more complex and nuanced then in certain stereotyping going around
in our society.
There's much more that can be said in answering your question, but right
now I leave it at this.
GReetings, Patrick.
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