Re: MD Metaphysics of Value

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Aug 14 2004 - 16:36:01 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value/Horsepucky???"

    Hi HamPlatt, and all,

    In response to Ham's contention that his concept of Immanent Essence
    is an original metaphysical contribution, I pasted his thesis into my
    word processor and replaced "Immanent Essence" with "Dynamic
    Quality"; I also replaced the single word "immanent" with "dynamic"
    and the single word "Essence" with "Quality." For those of us
    familiar with the MOQ, this results in NO significant change in
    meaning. I invite others to perform the same replacement and see if
    they agree.

    This is not to say that there is no difference between the two
    philosophies. Ham's metaphysics is a not so thinly disguised theism.
    This is clear form Ham's most recent exchange with Platt (relevant
    portions pasted below), as well as from his talk of a "Master Plan"
    and a "Creator" and freedom as a "divine gift" to man. Ham's theism
    is further revealed in his thesis's closing paragraph, where we are
    admonished to pick the God side of Pascal's wager. Though some will
    say such a choice is prudent, it's always seemed to me the route of
    the intellectual coward.

    Despite the fact that "Quality" and "Essence" are interchangeable in
    Ham's written thesis, Ham insists that Quality is secondary to
    Essence, and that "Essence is the uncreated, undifferentiated and
    absolute Source that most people would call God." According to Ham,
    Pirsig would have a complete metaphysics if he would only "accept
    Essence as the source of Quality."

    But setting Essence above Quality serves no metaphysical purpose,
    other than to make room for a "Creator" with a "Master Plan" which
    includes freedom as a "divine gift" to man. Saying that Quality by
    itself doesn't have the gumption to bootstrap it's own existence, but
    that Essence does, is just a word game searching for the "Primary
    Mover." As we all know the "Primary Cause" argument for the
    existence of God fails because all it succeeds in doing is extending
    the causal chain infinitely backward. In other words setting Essence
    above Quality complicates the metaphysics, without adding any
    explanatory value.

    Thank you,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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    everything."  -- Henri Poincare'
    On 14 Aug 2004 at 3:47, wrote:
     "Quality is indivisible, undefinable and unknowable in the sense
     that there is a knower and a known, but a metaphysics can be none of
     these things. A metaphysics must be divisible, definable, and
     knowable, or there isn't any metaphysics. Since a metaphysics is
     essentially a kind of dialectical definition and since Quality is
     essentially outside definition, this means that a "Metaphysics of
     Quality" is essentially a contradiction in terms, a logical
     absurdity." (Lila, 5)
    What Pirsig is trying to describe here is what I call call Essence. 
    Essence is the uncreated, undifferentiated and absolute Source that
    most people would call God.  (Sorry, Platt.)  Value is man's
    realization of Essence, and is both dualistic (empirical) and 
    monistic (subjective).  A metaphysics of  God may be a "logical 
    absurdity".  A metaphysics of Quality [Value] which encompasses the 
    experiential and esthetic awareness of Essence is quite valid.  And 
    it's exactly what I have postulated in my thesis!
    But there is a distinction between those synonyms and
    "man's reality." As soon as you introduce "man" you introduce the
    duality of man and not man. Pirsig's reality of Quality comes prior
    to that duality. Also, Pirsig has said that Quality is the ultimate
    It's pretty tough to exclude man when he is the subject of everything
    experienced. Again, he's defining God.  Man's reality is a dualism. 
    But it has an a prori source. If Pirsig would accept Essence as the
    source of Quality, he'd have a complete hypothesis.  It would be
    called the Philosophy of Essence or, perhaps even, Essentialism.
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