Re: MD MOQ, Art & Creativity

From: MarshaV (
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 12:37:18 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD The individual in the MOQ"
    At 10:50 PM 8/25/2004 -0700, you wrote:
    I've never painted.  Is there any 'editing'?  Once the paint's on the canvas, there's no subtraction, only addition, right?  But there are unfinished novels?  If you're not feeling in touch with a piece, is there any filing it away for weeks, months or years later when you may be in a better place to finish, with a wider perspective perhaps?  Or is it one-at-a-time?  Are painters nagged by partially unpainted canvas?  Is it possible to leave a piece unfinished indefinitely; to relegate half-baked ideas to the never-baked pile of your own free will?

    Hi Chuck,

    I loved reading about your writing.  It's all about the process.  And maybe the main process is editing.  Editing the painting and editing the painter.  I paint in oils so there is lots of room for correcting.  I could correct a painting forever if I allowed myself.  Sometimes a painting I think is finished, I later discover isn't.  Sometimes I think a painting is unfinished, and it later proves to be complete. 

    But I wonder if it's a good idea to dissect the process of art.  If I wish it to remain in the realm of the dynamic, shouldn't it just be allowed to be what it is?  It's this today, but it might be something totally different tomorrow.  I have been discovering lately that the moment I state something is, I quickly discover it's opposite to be true too.  Painting is helping me accept, and maybe even embrace the contradictions.  I'm afraid talking about it will ruin it.  On the other hand, sometimes I feel if I don't talk about it, I'll burst. 

    What is your music about?


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