Re: MD The individual in the MOQ

From: David Morey (
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 19:25:52 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD The individual in the MOQ"

    Hi Ham

    Hope you agree this is interesting even if no
    one agrees with you entirely.

    I do not agree with your assumption that quantity
    vs quality/value tells us anything about different
    about what may lie beyond dasein. We get evidence
    of a totality beyond dasein as much from us
    both thinking Mahler's music is beautiful as we do
    from agreeing that we can count 8 pairs of socks.
    Quantity vs quality does not confirm a difference between
    primary & secondary qualities. Quantity is simplified
    experience, it is a reduction of comprehensiveness,
    it can mask the riches of dasein. It is more subject to easier agreement
    only because of its simplicity and reduction of complex experience.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:18 PM
    Subject: Re: MD The individual in the MOQ

    > Ham Priday to Scott Roberts, Wednesday, Aug. 25
    > Subject: Re: MD The individual in the MOQ
    > [Ham said] Since I believe that finite things are "phenomenal" (i.e,
    > > constructs of intellection), the physical reality I have postulated is
    > > entirely subjective. This concept could be construed as solipsism,
    > > except for the universality of finite perception which I attribute to
    > > a cosmic "blueprint" or "spectrum" that is innate to the negational
    > > (creative) mode of Essence. It is perhaps this blueprint,
    > > rather than Value, that best represents the DQ posited by Pirsig.
    > >
    > [Scott:] I think I agree with this (except the last bit), but if the
    > > "blueprint" is universal, then it serves to make finite things in part
    > > non-subjective. The physical characteristics are supplied by the
    > > organization of the subject, but that organization is itself part of the
    > > cosmic blueprint. So your phenomena of color, shape, etc. may not be
    > > but we are seeing the same things, and if we measure them we will get
    > > same numbers.
    > Scott, your analysis is quite correct, and I'm delighted to see that it's
    > possible for an MOQ subscriber to discover some "common gound" with the
    > philosophy of Essence. The difficulty in both philosophies is
    > the concept of differentiation to the Western intellect. Understanding
    > everything is essentially "subjective" is, I think, the easiest way to
    > this concept. (Understanding that the Value of Essence is "immanent"
    > later.) The organization of finitude is, as you have surmised, integral
    > the cosmic blueprint. I know of no other hypothesis that can account for
    > the universality of finite experience; e.g., that you and I can observe a
    > box, measure its size, and decide that it's large enough for storing a
    > pairs of socks. This is cognitive knowledge that is shared between us and
    > is based upon empirical (quantitative) experience. It has nothing
    > particularly to do with Quality or Value, but it still involves the
    > "subjectivity" of both of us..
    > Now, suppose you wanted to select only those socks that are blended with,
    > matched to, the box's color or design. Here you would be dealing with
    > own sense of Value, and you might find me disputing your choices. The
    > dispute arises over the qualitative or "esthetic" properties of the
    > we've otherwise agreed on, and this evaluation will be somewhat different
    > for each of us. Values thus "color" our reality individually, while
    > physical properties structure it universally. Existence seems to require
    > this kind of "preference"; but this discriminative factor appears to be
    > significant
    > only to the human species. I think this elevates man above other
    > organisms, and obligates him to a higher level of moral and intellectual
    > awareness than lesser creatures lacking Value sensibility..
    > I don't know if I've answered your question, Scott; but it's led me to an
    > analogy that might be of future use in explaining the distinction between
    > quantitative and qualitative experience, and how Value is involved in the
    > process.
    > > This cosmic blueprint, though cannot be the DQ posited by Pirsig, since
    > the
    > > former has structure, while the latter doesn't.
    > My "cosmic blueprint" has structure only in the differentiated realm of
    > finite experience. This is what I have called the "negational mode" of
    > Essence, which is illusory insofar as Essence itself is concerned. So, I
    > still think there is a parallel here between Pirsig's Quality and my
    > Essence. Both concepts posit a monistic Source that manifests a
    > differentiated mode. (Or don't you agree?)
    > Essentially yours,
    > Ham.
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