From: Charles Roghair (
Date: Fri Aug 27 2004 - 20:10:12 BST
Hello All:
Pardon the interruption, but, if you don't mind, Ham, care to elaborate
on "the rules of Harmony?"
On Aug 27, 2004, at 10:45 AM, Joseph Maurer wrote:
> On 26 August 2004 2:49 PM Ham writes to Joe, Platt, Paul:
> Joseph said:
> Everything in the encyclopedia is enclosed in a moral hierarchy. Is
> this my awareness of logic? As an individual sentient I can be an
> illogical, immoral artist creating from an acceptance of DQ. Is this
> how I
> escape
> from logic's restraints?
> Ham said:
> Maybe artistic creation is the alternative, Joseph. However, I know
> something about the construction of music, and it relies pretty heavily
> onrules of harmony and counterpoint that may be considered a form of
> logic.
> I
> suspect that the visual arts come with their own set of rules.
> Incidentally,
> I'm not trying to evade logic, and I do appreciate the analysis you
> all are
> offering. There is a time, however, (especially at the outset of an
> exposition) when the author should be
> permitted to decribe his or her concept in descriptive terms -- much as
> Pirsig has done in his novels.(-; Once we get the total picture we can
> scrutinize it logically and assess its merits.
> Hi Ham, Platt, Paul, and all,
> joe: i am not well educated in music theory. I separate awareness from
> evolution. IMO awareness is through the mystical ,?,. SOM confused the
> mystical with an unverifiable subjective experience. IMO evolution,
> morality, in the MOQ is a model for different levels in awareness. I
> was
> suggesting logic is tied to the evolutionary model. For example I have
> a
> mystical awareness of gravity. Newton proposes a law of gravity,
> logic. The
> law of gravity is not a law of purpose. The logic of acceleration is
> not the
> logic of purpose. Feeding which is mystical organic awareness of
> purpose
> contains a logic of purpose. A logic of social order, existence, for
> the
> social order. A logic of creation, unfinished s/o ?, for the
> intellectual
> order. Can logic be a law of evolutionary vibrations for which the
> musical
> octave is a model? I don't have answers! My questions come from
> reading! I
> am not creative!
> Joe
>> Joseph said:
>>> Everything in the encyclopedia is enclosed in a moral hierarchy. Is
>>> this my awareness of logic? As an individual sentient I can be an
>> illogical,
>>> immoral artist creating from an acceptance of DQ. Is this how I
>>> escape
>> from
>>> logic's restraints?
>> Maybe artistic creation is the alternative, Joseph. However, I know
>> something about the construction of music, and it relies pretty
>> heavily on
>> rules of harmony and counterpoint that may be considered a form of
>> logic.
> I
>> suspect that the visual arts come with their own set of rules.
>> Incidentally, I'm not trying to evade logic, and I do appreciate the
>> analysis you all are offering. There is a time, however,
>> (especially at the outset of an exposition) when the author should be
>> permitted to decribe his or her concept in descriptive terms -- much
>> as
>> Pirsig has done in his novels.(-; Once we get the total picture we
>> can
>> scrutinize it logically and assess its merits.
>> Essentially yours,
>> Ham
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