Re: MD hierarchy of static patterns - coherence

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 15:00:43 BST

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    Your relating levels directly to "ages of man" is a crude generalisation,
    but I think you're onto something which is well documented elsewhere.
    It's basic Jungian motivation psychology I understand. So far as I am aware
    Maslow (and Hertzberg) have done most to formalise these levels of
    (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs / Hertzberg's Hygiene Principle)

    The levels already satisfied (beneath you, generally) are "Hygiene" levels.
    All that matters is they remain satisfied, if they are broken or undermined
    it's a big problem for you, but they cease to be a motivator in day to day
    life. The levels remaining unsatisfied (above you, generally) are the
    "Motivators" towards .... self-fulfilment / self-actualisation ... (towards,
    never reached).

    (Others on this board have expressed alternative views of Maslow in the

    Worth noting that Francis Heylighen and Brussels Free University (VUB) has
    written papers relating these drivers to satori ("happiness" and
    self-fulfilment) to Pirsig's levels too.
    <pedant alert>
    Note the "scare quotes" on the word happiness.
    </pedant alert>

    Ian Glendinning

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Ilya Korobkov" <>
    To: "" <>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:15 PM
    Subject: MD hierarchy of static patterns - coherence

    > Hi Mark, hello all.
    > I want to ask your opinion what is the best way to describe the
    > changes that occur in the hierarchy of static patterns that compose
    > a man.
    > I'll try to explain what I mean. A man is composed of four
    > levels of static patterns, and each pattern responds to DQ
    > independently. At different times of his life a man responds to DQ
    > predominantly on one level or on the other. For example, a toddler
    > responds to DQ predominantly on biological level, teenager - on social
    > level, an adult - on intellectual level. And even fully grown-up man
    > may respond to DQ predominantly on biological level when he is devoid
    > of air, food, water or sex for a long enough time. Or predominantly
    > on social level, when he is homeless and insecure.
    > The hierarchy of dominance of static patterns at any given time
    > describes very well person's subjective reality: what "he" needs, what
    > "he" values. But more or less often changes in this hierarchy occur.
    > "We" begin to value other things, not the things we had valued before.
    > When we are hungry we value most food. But when we satisfy hunger we
    > begin to value most good company, or good book. We do not value food
    > any more.
    > May we coin a term to describe this phenomenon? - I mean, the
    > phenomenon of changes in the hierarchy of static patterns?
    > And another question. Is it correct to say that in coherent state
    > all levels of static patterns that compose a man value one object?
    > (They certainly value different ASPECTS of this object, but anyway.)
    > Take love, fore example. When it is true love, we value one object on
    > biological, social and intellectual levels simultaneously, don't we?
    > And because all levels of patterns value one object no conflicts
    > between them arise. All patterns "work in parallel" and are not aware
    > of each other. Isn't it what you call coherence, Mark?
    > Friendly yours,
    > Ilya
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