Re: MD Pirsig and Peirce

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Sep 02 2004 - 04:04:56 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD MOQ and Logic/Science"

    Welcome, Robert, from another newbie.

    There are some discussions in the archives, mostly the previous list incarnation
    "Lila Squad".

    Here's a link that will take you to a post made in '98 by Bodvar Skutvik that
    spawned some Peircian ideas.

    For the record, Peirce is the reason I find semiotics so paramount to
    philosophical understanding, and I have been quite fond of his argument for

    In several of his essays, and the book by Thomas Sebok "The Sign of Three", much
    is made of the problem "where do hypotheses come from", something Pirsig
    struggled with as a paradox (if you will) within scientific reason.

    I, personally, do not consider Peirce and Pirsig to be opposed. Many aspects of
    their arguments are complimentary. Some are not, but those are the fun things
    in the dialogue, yes?

    Anyways, welcome.


    On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 13:29:02, Robert Eckert wrote:

    > MOQ list,
    > Just found this list and am glad of it.
    > I have found it curious that Pirsig never mentions Charles Peirce. Peirce'
    cenopythagorean catagories - Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness - seem similar to
    Pirsig's Quality, Object, Subject triad.
    > Has anyone run across any Pirsig comments on Charles Peirce?
    > Robert Eckert
    > ---------------------------------
    > Do you Yahoo!?
    > MOQ list,
    > Just found this list and am glad of it.
    > I have found it curious that Pirsig never mentions Charles Peirce. Peirce'
    cenopythagorean catagories - Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness - seem similar to
    Pirsig's Quality, Object, Subject triad.
    > Has anyone run across any Pirsig comments on Charles Peirce?
    > Robert Eckert
    > Do you Yahoo!?

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