From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Nov 02 2004 - 03:22:13 GMT
> > msh says:
> > Metaphor is poetry. If your understanding of poetry is that it is
> > "writing just for emotional effect", and that it must be broken up
> > into short lines that rhyme, then your understanding of poetry is
> > next to non-existent.
> My understanding of poetry exists in the Merriam-Webster Online
> Dictionary:
> 2 : writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of
> experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific
> emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm
> And who said anything about short lines that rhyme? Why do you make
> up such stuff?
> msh says:
> Make up what stuff? My statement was a simple conditional, which may or
> may not apply to you.
So why did you say "your understanding" in the statement?
> I was filling in the gaps, trying to understand why
> you'd think that Pirsig's use of metaphor and other poetic devices doesn't
> constitute the writing of poetry.
So you were applying the statement to me after all.
> The only thing I could see, off the top
> of my head, was that the lines weren't short and didn't rhyme. If you are
> now changing your mind and recognizing the highly poetic nature of ZMM and
> LILA, then good for you.
So now ZMM and LILA are poems? Surely you jest.
> BTW, going to a dictionary for an understanding
> of poetry is like examining a pallet to experience a painting. You, of all
> people, should know better.
I know better than to rely on you for the meaning of words.
> platt:
> But he does say Quality is a "creative force" which implies that it
> prefers and chooses.
> msh says:
> Sez who? Well, let's use the analogy of the Sun. The sun is a
> creative force. How does it perceive and choose? Similarly, what
> does it mean to say Quality chooses? Chooses what? Compared to
> what?
Sez Pirsig. Dynamic Quality chooses freedom over one-sided fixed values
and in so doing has created the levels of value from inorganic to
intellectual. Or haven't you read Lila?
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