From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 14:13:06 GMT
> It's nice to know that Pirsig considers all people to be social entities,
> but it would be much more helpful to understand how he distinguishes a
> biological entity from a social entity and a social entity from an
> intellectual entity in general.
Seems reasonably obvious to me. Rocks are inorganic, plants and
animals are biological, humans are social and ideas are intellectual. Do
you see it differently?
>Also, what do you think of Wim's formulation?
I must have missed it, but generally I agree with Wim's interpretations of
the MoQ. I especially liked what he said in another post on Jan. 20:
Why should we agree to 'elevate DQ into practical action'? Not knowing
physical addresses of almost all MD-contributors (and those I know don't
live nearby), practical action will have to be individual. Why should our
interpretations of the MoQ be less individual? How does the MoQ help
you in your life? Where does it lead you? We could exchange ways of
applying our MoQ, but we don't need to agree on them to apply it.
Amen to that.
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