RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)

From: Matthew Stone (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 09:40:21 GMT

  • Next message: Mari: "Re: MD Absolutely objective"

     --- David Buchanan <>
    wrote: > Howdy:
    > Again, just one quick point. (Can you tell that I'm
    > pressed for time?)
    > > PIRSIG:
    > > Both "the genius" and the mentally retarded person
    > are at the social
    > > level.
    > >
    > > GLOVER:
    > > Could you elaborate on what you mean by being "at
    > the social level"?
    > >
    > > PIRSIG:
    > > My statement that "Both 'the genius' and the
    > mentally retarded person
    > > are at the social level." is intended to refute
    > the statement that "the
    > > genius appears to be on a higher evolutionary
    > level" A person who holds
    > > an idea is a social entity, no matter what ideas
    > he holds. The ideas he
    > > holds are an intellectual entity, no matter who
    > holds them.
    > >
    > > That quashes DMB's theory that, "The whole point
    > of making
    > > distinctions between levels of static patterns is
    > to demonstrate that
    > > people are NOT at the same levels."

    Does it not seem that the whole talk of 'entities' is
    indicative of discourse taking place within the SOM?
    My interpretation of Pirsig is that one should think
    of things as patterns only. The genius/retard's
    intellectual patterns connote high value, but his
    existence socially - his non-conformity with social
    value patterns - renders him an outcast. There seems
    no need try to cram both his intellectual and social
    existence into one concept of the social self.


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