From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Nov 13 2004 - 18:41:16 GMT
Hi all,
I'm so arrogant I need my own thread to discuss my arrogance. :-)
On 13 Nov 2004 at 10:09, Platt Holden wrote:
msh said to ian:
And thanks for the moral support re my line of argument here. When
I first got involved with the list six months ago I was gung ho,
thinking everyone I met was really interested in discovering some
MoQ based consensus of "the truth." After numerous long discussions
with various people, discussions wherein it was obvious my point was
made, as my final arguments were left unanswered, I was dismayed to
see the same people, a few posts later, talking to someone new but
starting over spewing the same old shit. That's when I realized that
most folks here (there are exceptions and Scott is one of them) are
looking to promote one or another religious or political or anti-
intellectual agenda, and that their interest in "truth" is but a
convenient pose.
Of course, msh has a monopoly on "truth" so that anyone who deigns to
disagree with him (except Scott) is obviously a deceitful, ignorant
boob. The arrogance of such assertions is not lost on contributors to
this forum, anymore than similar elitist chest-pounding was lost on
millions who voted to re-elect Bush.
msh says:
Platt's right. My statement above sounds way more arrogant than I'd
intended, though I did intend a little arrogance. Here's what I
should have said:
That's when I realized that some folks here are looking to promote
one or another religious or political or anti- intellectual, or anti-
scientific agenda, and that their interest in "truth" is but a
convenient pose.
Of course there are many, many exceptions and Scott is one of them,
as are Rich, Sam, DMB, and anyone else who is willing to doubt or
shift their position in response to persuasive argument and evidence.
This has nothing to do with whether or not someone agrees with me.
In fact, I'm not looking for people to agree with me; I want people
who think I'm wrong to convince me I'm wrong.
Best to all,
Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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