Re: MD Ironic Metaphysics

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 14:26:37 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Ironic Metaphysics"

    Hi Joe:

    > Can one instinctive sense be configured
    > to sense quality, existence, and purpose? IMO it requires three instincts
    > to sense the different dimensions needed for levels of orders.

    I suggest that quality, existence and purpose are all dimensions of
    value. So one instinct for value would account for all.
    > joe: i was using the term "deconstruction" in its sense of revealing
    > something underlying. Actions come fron an instinctive purpose. Knowledge
    > (patterns) come from a different instinct.
    > "First you sense the high or low quality". this statement seems to be
    > related to a goal. Self-preservation is from purpose and "high or low" is
    > the action. "High or low quality" is a statement of the existence of
    > patterns. This is a description of the interworking of plural instincts.
    > "Then you find the reasons for it, not the other way around.", what I do is
    > not what I wish to do! I wish to do it and I am not aware of it. In both
    > cases the action is done to me. The need for reflection again reinforces
    > the need for multiple instincts.

    A single instinct or overall "sense of value" is reiterated in Pirsig's paper,
    Subjects, Objects, Data & Values:

    "The Metaphysics of Quality follows the empirical tradition here in
    saying that the senses are the starting point of reality, but -- all
    importantly -- it includes a sense of value. Values are phenomena. To
    ignore them is to misread the world. It says this sense of value, of liking
    or disliking, is a primary sense that is a kind of gatekeeper for
    everything else an infant learns. At birth this sense of value is extremely
    Dynamic but as the infant grows up this sense of value becomes more
    and more influenced by accumulated static patterns."

    Whether the value one senses is considered an action, knowledge,
    purpose, or a reflection, they are all detectable by the value sense. An
    imperfect analogy would be imagining that your value sense is like
    radar, picking up blips from all quarters of your experience with each
    blip registering different value phenomena.


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