From: Dan Glover (
Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 20:49:09 GMT
Hello everyone
>From: "Simon Magson" <>
>Subject: RE: MD Empiricism
>Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:16:59 +0000
>Scott Roberts wrote:
>>[Scott:] There is SQ involved whenever there is DQ involved, which is to
>>say, always. DQ without SQ is meaningless. That's why I say that the model
>>we have that best shows DQ/SQ interaction is intellect. "Just value" is
>>meaningless. It has to be in reference to some state of affairs.
>Simon wrote:
>The whole point - the single most important statement - of the MOQ is that
>"just value" is NOT meaningless. His answer to the dilemma given him at
>Bozeman was that Quality is independent of, and without any necessary
>reference to, both subject and object - he says that it is quite the
>opposite and that subjects and objects are only experienced with reference
>to value. So, to correct your statement above, it is more that your "state
>of affairs" has to be in reference to value.
Hi Simon
I think your comments are spot on and may have some impact on my discussions
with Sam. When Sam asks: do people have value? I answered value has people.
After reading your post, it seems to me that in addition to that answer,
value is independent of, and without any necessary reference to, people.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts; I enjoy reading your posts very much,
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