Re: MD Empiricism

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 21:42:22 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Empiricism"

    Hi Chin,

    > Hi all. I hate to interrupt this excellent discussion, but maybe you could
    > explain what this means for me.
    > From "ZEN;"
    > <Snip>
    > What is essential to understand at this point is that until now there was
    > no such thing as mind and matter, subject and object, form and substance.
    > Those divisions are just dialectical inventions that came later. The
    > modern mind sometimes tends to balk at the thought of these dichotomies
    > being inventions and says, "Well, the divisions were there for the Greeks
    > to discover," and you have to say, "Where were they? Point to them!" And
    > the modern mind gets a little confused and wonders what this is all about
    > anyway, and still believes the divisions were there.
    > But they weren't, as Phaedrus said. They are just ghosts, immortal gods of
    > the modern mythos which appear to us to be real because we are in that
    > mythos. But in reality they are just as much an artistic creation as the
    > anthropomorphic Gods they replaced. </Snip>
    > Thanks for any consideration.

    I think Pirsig simply means the map is not the territory and that you can
    make up (invent) all kinds of maps to represent the same territory. The
    subject-object, mind-matter, form-substance maps have proven of value in
    guiding mankind's way through life's hills and valleys. Otherwise, we
    wouldn't be here. That said, Pirsig believes the DQ-SQ map is better
    because it's covers more territory.


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