RE: MD Empiricism

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 22:04:48 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Intellect as highest value"


    > Division is an inherent part of reality, not just of language and thought.
    > If there was no division there would be no experience at all. Nirvana is
    > samsara. The idea that experience before we think about it is undivided is
    > absurd. If there is anything at all, there is division. If a baby
    > experiences the dharmakaya light, isn't there a baby, without which there
    > would be no experience of the dharmakaya light?

    Need I point out that babies and lights and "anything" are words and
    thoughts? It seems you're saying without language and thoughts there would
    be no experience and no reality, a dubious proposition unless one believes
    the universe began with the first experiencing human being. Surely there
    is something without the divisions we find necessary in order to describe
    our experiences.

    Where have I gone wrong in interpreting what you say?


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