Re: MD Empiricism

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 14:58:16 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD People and Value in the MOQ"

    Ham: Only
    Essence is undivided and incapable of labeling. Use the word "Quality" if
    you must; but I think Value in its common meaning best expresses this

    DM: My problem with this is 'essence' is a label that appears in the same
    as ' incapable of labeling ', Quality is another label and just seems
    to be one you don't like. I think essence sounds too much like Plato's
    forms. I don't like a separate realm of forms because if anything
    DQ is not so much a realm of forms than a source of forms, a source
    without limit in its form making capacity, therefore calling a source
    of infinite potential a separate realm of forms makes it sound too static,
    as if
    what is potential is already formed and that would be a SQ world rather than
    a DQ source.
    Of course, you are looking for insight at exactly the same point that I am
    so we differ but are very close together.

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