From: john williams (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 09:01:51 GMT
Hi Willy:
Interesting thread mate.
If you look at love, how the different forms of love that you feel work on
you then it is very similar to Quality but not just DQ. I think most of the
people here are thinking about partner love, the physical and emotional
affect of falling and being in love with your partner. This example, I
think, is very much an example of DQ moving into SQ, I think the quote I was
talking about the other day on music (chapter 9:120) would fit as an example
of what can happen when you fall in love as well, you'd think it might store
in the same part of the brain as your musical memory as the two work in very
similar ways. As you point out we bring love to bear on many different
relationships and experiences. My love for my wife, children, parents are
all valid, maybe not equal but important.
I think SQ is an undervalued resource in the MoQ because I think great
love, life long love, would go into theSQ grouping, though like a song or
music that you love it possibly has the ability to move you back into DQ. I
think that actually helps me understand what Pirsig is trying to say in
chapter 11 about SQ working towards DQ, thanks.
> >Can a person be an artist and not love their art?
> I will answer with another question. Can you be considered an artist by
> others, but not by yourself? I sure believe so (eg 200 years after your
> death). If you don't consider yourself as an artist then you won't
> consider what you do (or create) as art. You will not have to love it.
I would say a definate yes, again, If you define the creative moment as DQ,
and say you were a musician, performing your song constantly moved it fairly
well into your SQ you could lose all of your love for it. I quite often hear
musician saying they can't stand to play the songs that got them started and
that there fans all love (another form of love).
John from The Rock
----- Original Message -----
From: "Willy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:40 AM
Subject: RE: MD Pirsig an artist - MoQ & love
> Dan:
> Dain said:
> >Lila, Bantam paperback, page 330 -- "If you really love people they'll
> kill
> >you for it. You have to hate them and then *pretend* you love them."
> True, he mentions love. But he doesn't discuss it as part of MoQ, he
> doesn't compare love to anything but its opposite (hate) and is
> therefore not truelly discussing it. Now let's not define 'discussing
> something' but let's look at the role love plays in the MoQ. The piece
> you quoted is not part of the philosophical pondering but part of the
> story about his (in)sanity. Simply because it contains the word love
> does not mean it contributes to *this* discussion.
> >In my opinion, like Dynamic Quality, love cannot be defined, so there
> is
> >little use in analyzing it. Love just is.
> Little use in analyzing it? Might just as well throw away RMPs books
> then.
> Willy
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