RE: MD Pirsig an artist - MoQ & love

From: Gert-Jan Peeters (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 20:48:18 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Hi all,

    If I read this thread I made this little conclusion from your conversation.

    Love is the upper part of every static Quality. The valuable roof of every
    level. Hate can thus be considered as the lower part of every static level.
    We 'love' static patterns with High Quality. (this section must be
    formulated differently but I don't know how yet)

    Every level has its High Quality. there's this song that goes 'Loving you is
    easy 'cause your beautiful'. We could create more of these songs: 'Loving
    you is easy 'cause your such a nice person' and 'Loving you is easy 'cause
    your so intellectual gifted.'

    That, offcourse is the 'Love' of static patterns.. There's also the love for
    Dynamic Quality. That's where the poets kick in.. Although writing a poem is
    a static love, the poet usually had a short contact with Dynamic Quality to
    know what he's talking about..

    Love between Humans:
    A 'good' relationship can be quit boring I think, if only the static
    patterns are available. A beatifull, nice, smart partner. Yeah.. A man must
    be all!!:
    anorganic: is Well provided (enough money etc); ...
    Biological: has a beatifull body and face; Healthy; ...
    Cultural: is Nice; protective; can handle a conversation; etc;....
    Intellectual: is smart; speaks the truth; etc; ...
    Dynamic: Does none of the above but is adventure itself. Recreates the
    world...Stands above all the reasons why his wife loves him..

    If you ask: "Why do you love me?"
    And she says: "I don't know. I just do.."
    Then your there..
    (or her lack of explanation is a sign of low intellectual quality, but I
    don't think so.)

    Making rituals from static patterns 'can' bring us closer to Dynamic
    Quality. Having a well-oiled relationship can become a ritual that brings
    both people to Dynamic Quality. Or it shuts out Dynamic Quality making the
    relationship collapse in itself. If you only be Dynamic you miss the static
    foundation of a relationship. It would make a great story considerate that
    you would die in the end. Like Romeo did, or the titanic bloke. (both played
    by Leonardo Diwhatshisname)

    In my life - and I hope some of you recognize this - the greatest love
    affairs are all build on the static pattern they had.. They had None.. It
    never came to that. I had to go home, or she whas allready been taken.. As
    soon as a relationship started to show its patterns.. it ended.

    like this mail..


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