From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 12:19:13 GMT
Hi Rick:
I fully agree with your take on love in the MoQ. Thanks for sharing.
> I do. My thesis is this: Love is a species of value.
> In the [MoQ] "causation" is a metaphysical term that can be replaced by
> "value." To say that "A *causes* B" or to say that "B *values*
> precondition A" is to say the same thing [LILA ch 8 p119].
> So what would be the difference between saying "B *values* precondition
> A" and "B *loves* precondition A"? To me it sounds though the difference
> is one of intensity. Maybe "love" is the label applied to the
> relationships with the patterns we value most intensely.
> We hear people speak of love for life and health, friends and family,
> art and music... Some people love their jobs, some people love philosophy.
> We love our mates in dozens of ways. There are so many things we speak of
> loving, but I think that in almost all the meanings of the word "love" the
> bottom line, in MoQ terms, is revealed to be the intensity of the value
> being fulfilled (this would also explain the often noted relationship of
> "love" and the equally intensive "hate").
> By this explanation of Love, we really can see Love at work in all
> levels of the MoQ. Since all patterns at all levels value things, they can
> love as well.
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