Re: MD Pirsig an artist - MoQ & love

From: Mari (
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 00:31:45 GMT

  • Next message: Mari: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    G-JP said:
    > Love is the upper part of every static Quality. The valuable roof of every
    > level. Hate can thus be considered as the lower part of every static
    > We 'love' static patterns with High Quality. (this section must be
    > formulated differently but I don't know how yet)

    Mari says:
    It seems to me that both *love* and *hate* occur with lots of passion!

    i don't think *Hate* is the "opposite" of *Love* i think *Hate* may be the
    dark side of *Love* but i don't think it's a "lower" part of a "static
    i think *Appathy* deserves that distintion.

    Just a thought,

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