Re: MD Self

Date: Fri Nov 26 2004 - 15:18:35 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD James, Pirsig, Mysticism"

    In a message dated 11/26/04 6:44:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    Is there a "true self"? I think my true self is like an unself. I
    experience it in moments during meditation. Sometimes I experience it when
    painting, or when taking a walk. Such a moment is always a gift. It is
    total awareness. It's when I'm connected to everything and beyond identity
    and beyond self.

    Hi MarshaV,
    I think you just described it as well as anyone can. The 'True Self' you
    speak of (remembering that all I offer is thoughts; not fact or even theory) is
    when you are connected_aware_of what Pirsig has described as the 'Big Self'.
    When Michael Jordan states his 'Game on', maybe he has gotten in touch with
    the 'True Self'. He has become 'One' with the ball, with the team, and with
    the game. Thinking of Thanksgiving, when the Native American gave thanks, it
    was to the turkey, to Mother Earth, and to the Creator. When he was in the hunt
    for the turkey, he was aware of this 'Big Self'. He became one with the bow,
    the arrow, the wind, the turkey, Mother Earth, and the Creator. When you
    paint, and you get this feeling of 'Total awareness', you have become one with
    the brush, the canvas, the subject, and the Creator (whatever you want to name
    the Creator).
    Taken on a bit larger scale, the astrologer, philosopher, or scientist
    trying to get in touch with the Cosmos are trying to do the same as what you are
    when you paint. Isidore, Socrates, and Einstein may not have been 'geniuses'
    in their field as much as simply in a state of awreness through their
    contemplation. They became One with the Cosmos. When you focus on one thing hard
    enough, you reach this level of Qualtiy; the level of Quality that reaches this
    awareness of 'Self'.
    On a smaller scale, you might think of the corporate practice of meetings.
    This 'Brain storming' is not only an idea that the different ideas lend
    something, but that the different minds focused together create a 'Master Mind' of
    its own. You might think in terms that the different minds do not actually
    create a 'Master Mind', but lend themselves to a Master Mind that already
    exists. They just become in touch with a Master Mind, or the 'Masterful Mind at
    the centre of the universe'.
    Just as your painting is 'Art', so is astrology, philosophy, and science; so
    would be meditation, as well as the meditative state you might get into when
    walking, or what is described by runners as a 'Runner's High'.
    The idea of no-self in Buhdda would be that the 'True Self' would not lend
    its 'Self' to disease. The body nor the mind could be this 'Self', since if
    they were 'Self', they would not lend their 'Self' to Self-destructive disease.
    You think?

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