From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 22:46:10 GMT
John, Platt and everyone with feet:
Platt said:
I have no problem with your chosen worldview. Using government
jackboots to impose that view on others is the problem.
John said:
Where did you ever get that idea? Collective improvement does not
require jackbooting of any kind, the type of things I look for are
Intellectual DQ solutions to the problems we all have in common, they're
already happening, I reckon we should expand these occurrence and that we
could come up with a template that would give us some thing to work with.
John said:
I thought your jackboot metaphor was interesting because I think of anyone
with strong rightwing views is only a short trip to the shoe shop from being
a Fascist, only I wasn't going to let that out, I was going to keep it to
DMB says:
Perhaps Platt doesn't know that in the Western world, big black boots,
preferably Doc Martians, are part of the unoffical neo-Nazi uniform. So I
think you're quite right, John. "Jackboots" are certainly associated with
right-wingers. There's no doubt. Platt uses the phrase, I suspect, because
he listens to G. Gordon Liddy, a fascists talk radio host who told his right
wing listeners that the police were nothing but "jackbooted thugs" and
instructed his fans to shoot them in the head should they ever dare to enter
thier homes. This notion was widely circulated around the time of the
Oaklahoma City Bombing by all kinds of right-wing extremists.
Further, I agree with you about DQ people too. Pirsig's prime examples are
Lincoln and Ghandi. Both of them did things to make millions more free. If
that's not helpful, then nothing is.
Say hello to the rock for me,
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