Re: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 13:47:18 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101"

    Hi Chin,

    > I know people get upset here when you speak of "Cosmic Intelligence," or
    > the brain and mind separately, or the idea of a master mind at the center
    > of the universe is going to upset them even more.
    > I have to ask - What is this show of emotion all about? I've seen bikers
    > who hated other gangs less than Christians are hated here. To me,
    > Judeo-Christian, Islam, or Deity Zen is just as likely to hold the key as
    > science or astrology, or Humanity Zen, Nature Zen, or Nature spirituality -
    > or mathematics. It seems the question of mathematics being the immortal
    > principle has not been settled.

    Any mention of the supernatural drives secular fundamentalists crazy for
    the simple reason that they must sever the people's relationship with God
    in order to gain full control over them. So long as free people believe
    that their basic moral rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of
    happiness come from God and not from other men, attempts to remove those
    rights by political means (coercion) will be resisted. Thus, socialist
    planners must take every opportunity to disabuse people of their religious
    beliefs. Fortunately, in the the U.S. their efforts have hardly made a

    Although Pirsig is an atheist, his "naturalistic" moral structure holds
    freedom to be the highest value, thus supporting and protecting the ideals
    of individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from those who
    would alter them for the sake of some social level scheme promoted in the
    name of "the public good."


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