From: Ron Winchester (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2005 - 21:27:56 GMT
If there is a process in my thoughts about analogy, evolution, I would not
use the word 'description' as key.
IMO analogues for evolution are gravity (inorganic), purpose (organic),
existence (social order), creation (intellectual, unfinished s/o).
How an evolutionary analogy is pertinent from the inorganic order is not a
static description. Timeless 'operations' (evolution is in time, but the
analogy is timeless) sustain the analogy of dynamic/static quality. IMO
'description' is a word of time, and does not capture the word 'intellect'.
Very good.
May I ask, when you are speaking in terms of analogy, are you speaking in a
philosophical sense as to how philosophies are related? – or have you been
studying Socrates maybe(?) – or maybe relating more to artistic analogy and
the idea that concepts cannot be fully understood by words?
How would you tie this Analogy to Quality?
>From: "Joseph Maurer" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: MD Logic, Analogy, Metaphor
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:43:50 -0800
>On 19 January 2005 8:20 PM Wolff writes to Joe:
>HI Joe,
>I didn't mean to challenge what you said. I meant my question as a simple
>one. Better phrased, it might read;
>How would you 'Think" intellect evolves?
>Order and description wouldn't be key. Right?
>Wolff (or you can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, just don't call me
>late for dinner:)
>Hi Wolff,
>If there is a process in my thoughts about analogy, evolution, I would not
>use the word 'description' as key.
>IMO analogues for evolution are gravity (inorganic), purpose (organic),
>existence (social order), creation (intellectual, unfinished s/o).
>How an evolutionary analogy is pertinent from the inorganic order is not a
>static description. Timeless 'operations' (evolution is in time, but the
>analogy is timeless) sustain the analogy of dynamic/static quality. IMO
>'description' is a word of time, and does not capture the word 'intellect'.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Winchester"
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 5:25 PM
>Subject: Re: MD Logic, Analogy, Metaphor
>>HI Joe,
>>I didn't mean to challenge what you said. I meant my question as a simple
>>one. Better phrased, it might read;
>>How would you 'Think" intellect evolves?
>>Order and description wouldn't be key. Right?
>>Wolff (or you can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, just don't call me
>>late for dinner:)
>>>From: "Joseph Maurer" <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Subject: Re: MD Logic, Analogy, Metaphor
>>>Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:14:42 -0800
>>>On 18 January 2005 8:37 PM Chin, er uh, Wolf Writes to Joe
>>>Hi Joe,
>>>May I ask how the intellectual level evolves?
>>>Chin, er uh, Wolff
>>>Hi Chin, er uh, Wolf and all,
>>>I have no answer! I will repeat a couple of paragraphs and conclude IMO
>>>that self- creation of a reflective self-awareness is the DQ analogue for
>>>the intellectual level of evolution.
>>>[Joe] When metaphor and analogy are combined evolution, or the moral
>>>levels occur. 'Supreme' has meaning only in the social level order in the
>>>same way the order family, city, king has meaning. Yet the intellectual
>>>level is the highest.
>>>What I was trying to point out in that paragraph is that 'order-metaphor'
>>>tied to analogy creates an awareness of analogous DQ in terms of levels
>>>[JOE} IMO Analogy is used to express the mystical acceptance of the
>>>levels. The term 'like' seems to emphasize the acceptance of different
>>>levels. It is analogy to use as an explanation of the causes of WW I &
>>>II, the struggle between the intellectual and social levels. Morality is
>>>analogy in terms of DQ. However, as analogies, the inorganic, organic,
>>>social, and intellectual levels are moral levels of quality everyone
>>>accepts, as they accept the analogy of evolution into moral levels.
>>>IMO 'Like,' the trademark of an analogy, is not an empty word. What does
>>>it mean? I suggest it is the mystical acceptance of (?) 'description'.
>>>Logic satisfies the description of the inorganic and organic levels.
>>>Metaphor from the social level describes an order in each level. Analogy
>>>describes all levels in quality, relative evolution.
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