RE: MD Nihilism (Punk)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Mar 22 2005 - 16:35:32 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Contradictions"
  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)"


    Arlo's attempts at a "logical" defense of rock, which he does not deny
    celebrates biological quality, is futile because the subject he tries to
    bring under the umbrella of critical analysis is an art form (though
    laughably so). If he can't tell the difference between the singing of
    Frank Sinatra vs.Ozzy Osbourne or the lyrics of Cole Porter vs. Snoop Dogg
    or a waltz beat vs. a rock beat (much less paintings by Homer vs.
    KinKaid), then why go on? As the old Latin proverb says, "De gustibus non
    est disputandum" - There's no accounting for taste.

    The point I've been trying to make which Arlo ignores has to do with
    Pirsig's explanation of why American suffers from a moral degeneration,
    explicated by Ham's post of 2/27 and exemplified this week by a judge's
    decision to let a helpless person starve to death.

    I would hope that since this is a site devoted to the MOQ that some
    attention would be paid to what Pirsig had to say about moral degeneration
    and why is has occurred. I suggest that those who haven't read Chapter 24
    of Lila lately read it again and then tell me that rock is not part of the
    biological ocean that "intellectuals have failed to understand,." and that
    rock which had , in Arlo's words, "its origins in social protest of
    injustice and inequality" doesn't coincide with Pirsig's description of
    the Hippie revolution that became a "disastrous mistake."

    In any case, focusing attention and commenting on what Pirsig says about
    the current state of social degeneration rather than quibbling on and on
    about my and Bloom's "vapid logic" seems to me a higher quality use of
    valuable time, though I won't deny the therapeutic value this site
    provides for Arlo's psychological need to be "one up."


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