From: Matt poot (
Date: Sat Apr 02 2005 - 20:33:38 BST
Hi all,
someone: My family recently went through one of these nightmares. My late,
father-in-law was at home on a respirator for nearly a year before he died
of ALS. As you can imagine, the idea that the US congress could reach down
into that situation struck horror in us all.
poot: unfortunately, likewise for myself. My grandmother took care of my
grandfather for 15 years that he suffered alzheimers, until the final
breath. death , is a part of life. Even though I can sympathize with the
grievance of losing someone slowly (or at all), I think this wonton waste of
resources to keep someone alive in a vegetable state, and avoiding the
inevitable, is an unfortunate by-product of the familys love. when my
grandfathers time came, we acceded that it was time for nature to take its
1 persons death makes the news, and 25000 per day get nothing! i'll never
figure this out.....
what if the news headlines read "25 000 die of starvation!!!!!" every day?
day after day? maybe if the faces of young children were plastered across
the front pages, and television screens constantly?
my god! the uproar made over the deaths of 3000 people . I am not
cheapening the lives of those lost, but come on.... 3000 people is but a
drop in the sea of problems we face.
and terrorism? merely a pinprick wound in a gunbattle. yet, somehow the
budget for "fighting" terrorism could be used to feed and provide medical
and sanitational(sp?) assistance to all third world countries.
its just when things happen close to home, that they hit hardest. and
speaking as a north american, we dont really see nearly as much hardship as
most of the world. I live the life of a king, essentially. ample food,
education, recreation, and luxury.
anyways, you get the idea. cut the trifling, and attend to the general well
being of human civilization and the earth as we know it.
how? .........? but thats why we're here, no?
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