From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Mon Apr 18 2005 - 19:02:31 BST
dmb said:
the case of the MOQ, these four levels really work to explain what has been
happening in recorded history, it really works to explain the conflict
between religion and science. It is meant to deal with the problems that we
presently face. This is why I get so crazy over the attempts to re-introduce
tradition and theism. That kind of move strikes me as one that can only be
made by one who does not even understand what the problem is, let alone the
solution. I mean, how many more millions have to die before this conflict is
resolved. Do you not see how murderous the reactionaries have been for the
last several hundred years? Do you not see that the Hitlers, the Stalins,
the Bin Ladins and the Pat Robersons of the world are extremely destructive?
The one thing these wildly different characters all have in common is an
anti-intellectual, anti-Modern stance at the heart of it all. So I'm saying
that one of Pirsig's BEST moves is to make a distinction between the social
and intellectual levels.
I agree with what you say about Bin Ladin and Pat Robertson, but to extend
that to theism in general is a mark of prejudicial thinking. Christianity
has been promoting intellect since the beginning (who preserved Classical
learning? -- the monks, those who felt the need to escape society).
"Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience" -- paragraph
1849 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I find the MOQ, with its glorification of the "pre-intellectual", and its
anti-theism (not just non-theism) to be more anti-intellectual than
contemporary, non-fundamentalist theism.
Oh yes, and I'm still waiting for an example where science and contemporary,
non-fundamentalist theism are in conflict. As I've said before, you're about
50 to 100 years out of date.
- Scott R
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