RE: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 20:00:42 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals"

    Mark, Ant, Arlo, Platt & all MOQers:

    Ant McWatt said:
    I don't see why a pragmatist philosophy would need even any justification to
    discuss any political issue. ..It was a noble ideal in Socrates' time that
    political leaders would be more wise and just if they thoroughly studied the
    Good and intellectual values such as truth and justice and it remains so

    dmb says:
    Yes. Exactly. Thank you. Entire chapters of LILA are dedicated to sorting
    out our political struggles. And why not hold on to that ancient ideal? We
    can face the ugly facts of history and understand what power does and is. We
    can be cynical and world-weary and STILL recognize that it would be BEST if
    political leaders were philosophers and were genuinely guided by principles
    rather than pride or profit.

    Ant added:
    The attempt to deny the close relationship between philosophy and politics
    is a misguided project to re-define philosophy on MOQ Discuss to make it an
    insipid talking shop of the Anglo-American (whitish) middle classes.

    dmb says:
    Its downright silly to assert that politics should be off the MOQ table. To
    exclude it from philosophy in general is even worse. The founding principles
    of the US were produced by the political philosophers of the European
    Enlightenment. Why would anyone want to re-write that history or otherwise
    deny such a reality? Surely we have here indentified an obscure species of
    anti-intellectual bullshit.

    Mark Steven Heyman said:
     ....But I'm not picking on Nixon alone. If they were tried under the rules
    of Nuremberg, every American president since the end of WWII would be

    flabbergasted, Platt replied:
    That's an idea of such low quality it requires no response.

    dmb says:
    What Platt means to say is that he can't bear to imagine the idea. What
    Platt means to say is that he doesn't want to believe such a thing could be
    true, that the mere suggestion causes him severe emotional distress. It
    can't be true because it'll hurt his feelings. And anyone who says its true
    is a NAZI Marxist anti-Semite. (Pssst. Don't tell Platt that Chomsky is
    Jewish. Let's see how far he digs the hole this time.) That's why the USA
    cannot be compared to any other nation or regime on earth. Its special. In
    Platt's Rockwellian America, "all the men are strong, all the women are good
    looking and all the children are above average" and don't you dare say

    This is how patriotism works and patriotism on steriods is fascism.

    This kind of deliberate refusal to confront or otherwise face the facts of
    history makes honest political analysis impossible. So the assetion that
    there can be no "moral equivalance", that America is somehow special, is
    another type of anti-intellectual bullshit. Once you learn about its
    shape-shifting nature of this poop, you'll see that the place is just
    covered with it.


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