Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun May 01 2005 - 05:51:34 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD The New Victorians"

    Re-sent (again ...??? what's happening)

    To - MSH, Ant, Erin, David H, n'all

    MSH said
    Where is this simple argument distorted by my politics?
    These are statements of opinion, not fact or argument. A little
    harmless name-calling. I don't see how they prove your point but,
    then, I'm not sure I understand your point.

    I say, how about ... (just by way of example - I don't want this argument)
    Your choice of the loaded word "conspired" for a start. (just like
    Pirsig used "parasites", Ant) You are reading into facts, even
    "admissions" of events by players involved, actual intentions and
    motives for reasoning used historically. Harmless name calling, maybe.
    A fun game I know, and I don't actually diasgree with you. But name
    calling none-the-less, not the constructive, philosphical, grown-up
    debate I know you're all capable of. (BTW I'm ready to catch the pot
    and kettle when you lob em back at me Platt.)

    To pick up on Erin's metaphor - I can't see where it gets you, except
    thrown out of the restaurant at the end of the universe.

    I think David H, is saying much the same ... no problem debating
    politics (ethical / pragamtic policy, etc) association with
    philosophy - but let's not waste breath debating the relationship
    between philsophy and political "history" - a history expressed by
    those left standing, with all their multitude of motives for doing so.
    (David's "directedness" in the relationship is my point about the
    hopeless quest for causality in the arguments from history to
    philosphy - the stuff I keep laughing at Platt about.)

    I know it sounds awfully "intellectual" and less fun, but I was
    supporting the ongoing argument against anti-intellectualism. Enjoy
    your fun, but it really is noisy around here.

    > On 5/1/05, Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    > On 1 May 2005 at 0:26, ian glendinning wrote:
    > But invoking historical "facts" from the macro-level of outcomes to ...

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