Re: MD Thinking About Thinking

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 13:42:55 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Static Latching and the problem with the intellectual level"

    Hi Allen,

    > Hello Platt, I have read all of Bos work and the essay you refer to is
    > rather weak dont you think.

    No. I've always found Bo's contributions of high value.

    > In contrast
    > there has been Anthony McWatts book which would have to be the most
    > important event in MOQ thinking since Lila would you not agree. It is new
    > and exciting and moves things on a very great distance from 1998 i think.

    Ant's thesis is a great contribution to MOQ literature. But to me it's
    more of a brilliant academic review off Pirsig's philosophy rather than a
    presentation of something new. This is not meant to detract from his work
    in any way, and I wish I could be present to applaud and congratulate him
    in person as he formally receives his doctorate in July .

    > Bo has made no progress since 1998 except he calls his ideas SOL and not
    > SOLAQI today. How can this be a pheonix rising from the ashes by just
    > changing an acronym. I do not know. But i understand you are a huge fan of
    > the man. I think that means you value what he says.

    Indeed I do.

    > Allen - On the other hand and with the benefit of ZMM Lila SODV and Anthony
    > McWatts book other suggestions are to be found. The one i like is about a
    > process of value evolution that is to say intellectual patterns are
    > evolving. To use your own language i nothing more than value the above and
    > do not value Bos work while you hold the converse values. I am very happy
    > with that Platt and from what i can tell the above has evolved and grown as
    > an intellectual pattern of values since 1998 while Bos work has slept as
    > solid as an inorganic pattern of ashes.
    I look forward to any thoughts you may have that "improve" the MOQ.


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