Re: MD Art and the MOQ

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Jul 01 2005 - 13:19:32 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD MOQ in time and space"

    Hi Ian,

    > (2) the point about levels of quality within the intellectual layer,
    > is an illustration of an earlier point I explained very badly, about
    > "everything comes in layers, including the layers". What we have is a
    > deep scale of innumerable "onion skins" - where we draw hard lines to
    > separate particular distinct layers (like intellectual or social) we
    > are imposing or recognising some emergent property that is not part of the
    > underlying "quality" itself. Qaulity is relative - by definition - some is
    > higher than others - end of story.

    Sometime if have the time and inclination would you explain the concept of
    "emergent properties?" Is there a causal, scientific explanation for
    properties suddenly appearing that weren't there before? Thanks.


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