Re: MD The London Bombing

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun Jul 10 2005 - 11:32:27 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Society"

    Gav, Horse,

    I'm a cock-up theorist rather than a conspiracy theorist.

    No doubt someone knew something about some bombings that seemed to be
    planned to take place - I suspect someone does every single day.
    Whether anyone knew anything definitively enough at the right time to
    take any actions - who knows, and who would have listened, except a
    paranoid Israeli perhaps.

    No doubt for the bombers it was opportunism - whilst the cat and his
    security forces were away north of the border - strike home.

    Life aint that complicated.


    On 7/10/05, Horse <> wrote:
    > Hi Gav and MDers
    > On 10 Jul 2005 at 1:04, gav wrote:
    > > hello all,
    > > firstly to all temporary liverpudlians, and
    > >!
    > Definitely. A great time was had by all I think. It was really good to meet so many list
    > members. Lots of interesting papers and a good social time.
    > >
    > > secondly:
    > > this is something that is a lot easier to skirt around
    > > but i would feel like a bit of a coward if i did.
    > > please don't blindly accept the corporate media view
    > > of what happened in london.
    > >
    > > a few points to consider:
    > > 1. why when the leaders of the G8 are in edinburgh
    > > (nice opportunity for some really effective terrorism
    > > there) are innocent londoners targeted instead?
    > A possible answer could be that with so much attention on Edinburgh, in terms of
    > security forces and police, London was the easier target. Also, London is the financial
    > capital of the UK and bringing London to a standstill had a significant effect
    > economically. I don't think that the intention was to maximise loss of life or these actions
    > would have been carried out the weekend before at the Live 8 concert - 150-200,000 in
    > one place is a much easier target. Disruption was the name of the game here I suspect.
    > >
    > > 2. how was binyamin netanyahu (the israeli politician)
    > > warned not to go to liverpool station prior to the
    > > attacks?
    > > According to, Scotland Yard received
    > > intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time
    > > before they occurred.
    > >
    > > The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance,
    > > resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
    > > remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way
    > > to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first
    > > explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he
    > > was to address an economic summit.
    > I hadn't heard this but it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. Not sure how much
    > information might have been received but maybe not enough to stop the attacks.
    > >
    > > 3. who benefits? as lenin said, this simple question
    > > usually reveals the perpetrators. well the uk now has
    > > an excuse to stay in iraq. id cards will be heavily
    > > back on the agenda. the attention is taken of the G8
    > > and their continuing rape of africa. harsher national
    > > security laws...good bet i reckon. so who benefits?
    > > those that already have the power and are seeking to
    > > consolidate and expand it. fear, confusion, divide and
    > > rule...standard tactics. who doesn't benefit: iraq,
    > > africa, muslims everywhere, the public
    > > generally....hmmmm
    > I think you're about right here as it will almost certainly be used to further erode civil
    > liberties and increase the authoritarian climate that already prevails. One thing I would
    > note was that Charles Clarke, the UK Home Secretary, did admit (albeit grudgingly) that
    > ID cards would not have stopped the bombings - but that's never been the reason for
    > them.
    > >
    > > a little research will reveal the complicity of the US
    > > and other intelligence services in 9/11; is this time
    > > round any different? i suspect not...but of course i
    > > could be wrong.
    > Again, I don't know how true this is but it wouldn't surprise me if true.
    > I don't think that the security services and police forces of the UK, USA, Spain etc. are
    > the answer to any of these problems. The problem is with the politicians and their
    > friends in certain business sectors.
    > Anyway, good to hear from you and here's to the next get together.
    > See ya
    > Horse
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