Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: khaled Alkotob (
Date: Sun Jul 24 2005 - 22:31:48 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Personal Report on MoQ Conference"

    Hello All, Hello Mark

    You are right on all count.

    My name is Khaled Alkotob, A Muslim of Lebanese descent who lives in
    California ( where the Japanese detention camps were) and I have been
    following the discussions for a while, partially looking for things to
    take my mind off the day to day ugly headlines in the paper.

    I knew sooner or later that the headlines would make it to this board.

    In regard to the this particular discussion I encourage the readers of
    this forum to read the following:

    07/11/05 "The Guardian" --

    The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA

    Fundamentalism is often a form of nationalism in religious disguise

    by Karen Armstrong


    a wonderful little article that helps shed some light as to what is
    happening. it's not perfect by all means, but it helps.

    Yes columnist like Thomas Freedman and the like are starting to float the
    idea of detention centers, which I find intriguing and make me pose the
    following questions:

    When the Japanese were rounded up they were contained in their community,
    and fairly easy to identify by name, surname, race and religion.

    The question I pose is HOW are you going to round up the usual suspects?

    You already have a Brazilian national dead. Shot at close range AFTER
    being subdued.

    So you start with the Sunni, then the Shiite, Wahhabi, Salafi, Hanafi. Do
    the Sufi, Bahaii, Alawite, Druze qualify or not?

    Then you go to nationalities, so you round up those of Arab descent ( be
    careful some might be Christian) then Pakistani, Indian, Indonesian?
    How about a Chinese who is Muslim, or a Malaysian. How about Converts to
    Christianity. What if they converted to take cover?
    How about children of mixed marriages? Would a Muslim Yugoslav qualify?

    Lets say you were able to hold a few million people in detention centers,
    then what. How long do you hold them for? What kind of resentment will
    they be harboring when you let hem go? What will their friends and
    relatives who live in the old countries be willing to do?

    During the IRA bombing campaigns, it would have been unheard of to go
    lock up a few Mormons, because some catholics from Ireland made a mess



    On Sat, 23 July 2005 10:28:51 -0700 "Mark Steven Hey man"
    <> writes:
    > Hi all,
    > I find comments like those posted below my sig block to be racist,
    > and highly offensive. They are also politically and historically
    > ill-informed, but that I expect from certain quarters. I let the
    > first one go, but it seems that such comments are occurring more
    > frequently. Just wondering if anyone else agrees.
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    > --
    > InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    > Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
    > Web Site:
    > But to say that my unique experiences and intellectual
    > patterns combined with yours and that terrorist over there by the
    > camel somehow comprise a "collective consciousness" stretches
    > credulity.
    > > In Africa for instance Islam may be a very good idea as a shore
    > > against biological (sex) drives of the Central African population
    > > where AIDS threatens to wipe out whole generations.
    > Now there's an idea I hadn't ever considered. Old Victorian
    > morality
    > might serve the same purpose without the ancillary evils of the
    > Islamic . social code.
    > > But in
    > > Europe and USA Islam it's a failure and what the fanatics hope to
    > > achieve is a great puzzle. If anything the terror attacks has just
    > > alienated the Western population (some Norwegian women who earlier
    > > had found headscarves and submission was romantic have now come to
    > > their senses)
    > >
    > > But - sigh - social value is not reason, it is emotions, thus
    > > reasonable arguments may be wasted and if the terror continues and
    > > the the new recruits come from within, then the Mosques and other
    > > closed quarters will possibly have to be put under surveillance.
    > > There are those who see this as the end of democracy and just what
    > > the terrorists want, but during WW2 the Japanese in USA were
    > > interned, still, it all returned to normal after the war.
    > Intellect
    > > as a value level will of course not succumb if some of its
    > patterns
    > > temporarily is suspended .
    > I agree. This business of tolerance and political correctness will
    > get us all killed yet. Here in the states there's a hue and cry
    > against "racial profiling" so that, for instance, bags at subway
    > stations are checked randomly rather than rationally. Not to focus
    > on
    > young olive-skinned men praying to Allah and smelling like flower
    > water with bulky clothes and fiddling nervously with bags is
    > suicidal.
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