Re: MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'

From: David M (
Date: Sun Aug 07 2005 - 16:55:50 BST

  • Next message: Kevin Perez: "Re: MD Enlightenment or Revelation"

    Hi Scott

    How would this be different from saying that
    every-thing is SQ manifesting DQ?

    I can certainly comprehend an earlier priod
    in history when the SQ content of many i-realms
    was such that their p-realm were full of gods.
    That seems to be what our myths describe.
    I think this problem in the MOQ shows that
    after the organic level we are talking about
    more complex stages than simply social and
    intellectual level implies.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Scott Roberts" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:19 AM
    Subject: Re: MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'

    > David M,
    > DM: correction is correct, you're on the ball. Explain more by what you
    > mean by language prior to intellect. Does langauge begin with memory?
    > I think of archetypes as a sort of language and these as being forms of
    > SQ that the i-realm accesses in re-sponse to the p-realm, a form of
    > SQ with powerful emotional quality aspects.
    > Scott:
    > Well, I've got to be careful, since in my own metaphysics I regard
    > language
    > as fundamental, that everything is language, manifesting intellect. So
    > when
    > I say "language prior to intellect", I am referring to the temporal period
    > before intellect as the MOQ understands it, that is, before about 500 BC.
    > There was language then, but not intellect within the individual human
    > being. Of course, the MOQ says there was just no intellect period, while
    > my
    > view is that it existed, just wasn't internalized. Humans perceived it
    > outside of themselves, and called it gods. Now we have to hypothesize
    > non-i-realm intellect, calling it, e.g., archetypes.
    > Then there is another twist to this of relevance when ordering the levels
    > when one considers that space and time are products of consciousness, but
    > that's another story.
    > - Scott
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