Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths

Date: Wed Aug 10 2005 - 20:29:10 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths"

    Hi Platt --

    > What intrigued me was your offhand comment:
    > > But I also see other esthetic-based ontologies being
    > > introduced out there, some of whose authors may not be so eager to throw
    > > the babe out with the bathwater. If that be the case, and these new
    > > philosophies survive, many of us will be turning our attention
    > I wonder if you'd care to name some of the "esthetic-based ontologies" you
    > refer to? I would be very much interested in pursuing that line of
    > inquiry.

    Here are a few of the theoretical philosophies I've reviewed over the last
    several months. I'm indebted to David Morey for the on-line publications by
    Christopher Macann and Geoffry Read [an excellent read, pardon the pun].
    Kaufman's consciousness-based URT is one we've discussed, and you may even
    have acquainted me with Donald Hoffman. In addition to these, of course,
    there's the Metaphysics of Essence by some unknown ham who's currently
    considering a sexier title, such as "Beyond Otherness".

    Ontological Theology [mostly a theological take on Heidegger]
    Christopher Macann
    Summary presentation of the theology implied by: Being and Becoming.
    Published on line, 2005

    The Coherent Universe: A New Ontology
    Geoffrey Read
    A new rational and empirical synthesis of mind and matter.
    Published on line, 2004

    Unified Reality Theory
    Steven Kaufman
    The evolution of existence (Consciousness) into experience
    Destiny Toad Press, 2002

    Visual Intelligence
    Donald D. Hoffman
    How we create what we see
    WW Norton & Company, Inc., 1998

    It's my surmisal that Pirsig's contemporaries are seeking to buck the
    materialistic trend of postmodern existentialism by coming up with
    ontologies based on Consciousness, Beauty, Eudaemonia, etc., any one of
    which may achieve instant NY Times "best Seller" status and burst upon the

    Even a so-so writer like James Fletcher Baxter, whose Human Paradigm is
    running on my Values Page this week, could conceivably corner the market
    with his phrase: "Man the Choicemaker". As you well know, with today's
    access to on-line publishing and media interviews, the simplest idea in a
    zippy package can turn on the public and become an overnight fad.

    This isn't to say that there is great value in any of these theses.
    However, when posting my creation ontology to the other
    day, I did note the following statement regarding submissions:

    "Priority will be accorded to articles that open up original and interesting
    new perspectives on human being and being."

    (Could it be that a certain well-published author with a passion for high
    quality may have glossed over an issue of even higher priority?)

    Best regards,

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