Re: DQ as spirituality? / Q as God? (was: MD Worlds Worst Kept Secret)

From: jc (
Date: Sun Aug 14 2005 - 00:02:40 BST

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    At 3:30 AM -0700 8/13/05, Kevin Perez wrote:
    >Well isn't this a kick in the pants.
    >Ian, thanks for letting us know. I hadn't a clue.
    >But I'll play along. :)

    well I'm still not convinced. But I had suspicious ideas... There
    was one reply to Arlo J. Bensiginger that made my hairline crackle.
    A question of yachting and it's relevance to the MoQ. A rhetorical
    outrage so egregious it smacked of the perfesser doin' a demo.

    And then there was the Biological vs. Intellectual Confusion response
    to Ian... the "How Dare You!" being so flameworthily funny. (hey...
    wait a minute... ian... Crap, it never ends.)

    But sigh and honest to God, I'd rather not think about it. Celebrity
    always ruins everything.

    Even so... you use just a smackerel of common sense... there was
    something that kicked me in Lila about the great author responding so
    carefully to his many fans. I know if I came up with a new
    metaphysics, I'd be hovering around discussions of same wherever I
    got the opportunity. You gotta figure...

    But I got other issues. This whole idea of reality and virtual truth
    can mess with you if you're not carefull. I have one friend on this
    forum. We can no longer stand each other. I think I know why. He
    thinks it's because I think I know why, but it's much more
    complicated than that.

    He brought our friendship's demise to the attention of this forum
    starting in April of this year. I don't know if talking it over here
    helped, but if it did, it was only for a while.

    Reading the archives was interesting, to say the least. You always
    think to yourself when you come across a situation like this, "I
    wonder what the story is on the other side." And I myself think that
    is a very interesting question to answer, but then that's because
    it's my story. I doubt if that's what this MoQ is about.

    However, I will offer an argument for your perusal and analytic
    satisfaction and you give me your best critique.

    It is within the purview of this forum, because despite our many
    different outlooks and style, Steve and I have shared a passion for
    Pirsig's work and discussed it for years. Thus our current conflict
    really comes down to some issues of difference within the body of the
    MD itself and the working out of those differences in a public way,
    with referee's and all, would enable us to escape what I see as
    static hindrances.

    Doing so would demonstrate to detractors the actual value of a forum
    focused upon resolving crisis in values, and the importance of an
    underlying philosophical underpinning.

    And finally, there is this, the bare naked reality of the situation
    is this... picture Princess Leia's shimmering image on the floor of
    that sand cave, hear her plea uttered unto a cosmos of dark forces
    and black space, "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope. "

    This is the only place Steve and I even communicate at anymore. We
    live one geographical mile and one eternal cosmos, apart.

    Heck, I doubt if Obi Wan can make it. It's probably gonna take the
    whole damn Jedi Council.

    jc the floundering pryor

    jc the floundering pryor

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