MD The MOQ conference hoax

From: Andrew Bahn (
Date: Tue Aug 23 2005 - 22:28:17 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD WORLDS WORST APOLOGY"

    Greetings discussion members,
     It looks like Anthony and others are aware that they were the victims of a
    hoax at the MOQ conference. The acknowledgements for Richard Loggins paper
    have been changed to thank Struan Hellier and the picture of Glenn's posing
    as a Hunter S. Thompson look-a-like has been changed to someone else
    (Richard Loggins?). However, the paper stands as is. hmmm? We are all
    waiting for an explanation from Anthony and the rest of the psychedelic
    clique. For people who have been around moq_discuss, an acknowledgement for
    Struan by someone who has submitted a paper praising the MOQ and Pirsig
    should arouse suspicions. I am not condoning the hoax, but what is done is
    done. Now, It would be nice to hear an explanation. Pray tell Anthony...
    DMB...or anyone else. Is the back patting still going on? Was the conference
    still a success in light of this hoax.
     If you haven't seen it yet, it is worth taking a look.


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