Re: MD Digitised Lila

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 19:42:33 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Essentialist and anti-essentialist"

    Hi all,

    Horse's advice is probably good. I was concerned about this so
    talked to my law-guy. As there is nothing to prevent us from
    scanning our own copies, (no different than copying our legit music
    (or software) to CD or tape for personal backup and use) his opinion
    is that as long as we own a legit copy of the book, and as long as we
    don't sell or otherwise distribute to people who DON'T own a legit
    copy, we'll probably be ok. But this means it's up to us to be sure
    who we're giving copies to, I guess.


    On 31 Aug 2005 at 17:04, Horse wrote:

    Hi Folks

    As far as I know the digitised versions of both Lila and Zen are
    copyrighted so it may be a good idea to take this thread off-list if
    you want to discuss obtaining it.. There are all sorts of places that
    the digital versions can be obtained but unless it's through 'proper'
    outlets then take care as you could get into a bit of trouble. Sorry
    to be a killjoy an' all that....



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