MD The SOL fallacy (or Blind mans buff)

From: mark maxwell (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 20:43:03 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?"

    My developing view is that there are distinct types of
    awareness that occur at each of the static levels.

    1. Biological awareness that is animalian first

    2. Cultural awareness which is the above described in
    terms of language.

    3. Intellectual awareness which is the act of
    drawing rational comparisons between the linguistic

    Hi Jos, Spot on in my view.
    Although we could add:

    0: Inorganic awareness of matter and energy

    So the "things" that are the intellectual static
    patterns of values, are the comparisons themselves
    which includes "feelings contrasted with
    Level straddling is not necessitated by any of this,
    each level always makes its patterns out of the
    patterns of the levels beneath and in doing so
    both subordinates and is reliant upon them.

    I am not sure if this supports or attacks the SOL,
    please take it as you see it.


    SOL goes flying out the window because one Social
    pattern of value is the celebrity status of the social
    animal. How can there be a celebrity status without a
    you/me distinction?
    Daft isn't it?
    It's like trying to imagine what it would be like to
    walk into a room and have absolutely no one look at

    Sartre built a whole ontology upon others looking at
    you - the very act of someone looking at you confirms
    the existence of beings other than ourselves. Even a
    dog understands that, and at the biological level. Try
    staring one down and see what happens (be careful -
    not recommended for all breeds.)
    Humans have a social level of linguistic counterparts
    to this which are not, as you point out jos, "Level
    straddling." And beyond that we have the Intellectual
    level, twice removed from awareness of the other.


    Blind Man’s Buff was a parlor game, a game that could
    be played indoors on rainy days. It was popular at
    birthday parties and tea parties. This is a good game
    for four or more people.

    To play Blind Man’s Buff, pick one person to be It.
    That person is blindfolded and stands in the middle of
    the room. The other players dart around It, who tries
    to tag them. They try to get as close as possible to
    It without being caught.

    When the player who is It catches another player, he
    tries to guess who it is by touching their face and
    hair. If he doesn’t guess on the first try, other
    players can give hints. When he guesses their name,
    that person becomes the new It.

    Can also be attempted with Elephants.

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